Thousands of TV’s and mobile phones are thrown away at this time of year and Veolia would like to remind people bringing waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) to your local Household Waste Recycling Sites’ that this should be separated from other waste. Any information stored on devices should also be removed.
This means more items can be recycled or disposed of safely, instead of going to landfill - special containers are provided at the sites to make sure these items are collected separately.
As well as disposing of these items at your local HWRS you can also do this at one of the many WEEE recycling banks located throughout East Sussex and Brighton & Hove - where around a whopping 70 thousand tonnes of electrical items have so far been recycled this year! Find out where your nearest bank is at or">
Allan Key General Manager of Veolia South Downs said: “We want to encourage people to bring items to the recycling sites where they can be disposed of safely and put to good use. Remember Bring it, Don’t bin it!”
For details of your nearest Household Waste Recycling Site, and Christmas and New Year opening times visit: or call 01273 511324.